As the name itself suggests, SmileStyler aids in the proper alignment of the teeth while staying invisible to the sight such that one doesn’t have to put up with the ugly braces. SmileStyler is the orthodontic treatment option which offers the efficiency of braces while maintaining the aesthetic beauty of the teeth, due to its virtually invisible design. But the treatment with SmileStyler in Wyndham Vale has many other advantages that are mentioned below.
Advantages of invisible SmileStyler:
When starting a treatment with brackets or braces, one of the most important concerns of patients is whether it will be uncomfortable. Obviously putting the brackets may have an initial discomfort that reduces with the passing days. SmileStyler used in our Wyndham Vale dental clinic is convenient to use. The aligners adapt perfectly to the dental arches and you will not notice them almost from the first day.
The brackets impede the action of the toothbrush and the accumulation of bacterial plaque becomes easier. Consequently, decay can form, and the gums become inflamed. With SmileStyler, brushing teeth is not at all an issue. One can easily take off the aligners without any problem and can eliminate all the bacterial plaque effectively without obstacles, thus presenting healthy and strong teeth and gums.
Patients who follow orthodontic treatments with SmileStyler in Wyndham Vale report less pain and discomfort than those who wear brackets. The forces exerted by the SmileStyler aligners are very mild and reduce the typical initial pains caused by the forces generated by the braces. In addition, perfectly adapting the aligners to the teeth do not produce sores on the cheeks and lips at any time of your treatment.
Latest Technology:
SmileStyler uses the latest techniques in the dental field. With 3D technology all dental movements are planned to ensure perfect fit. In addition, the complex aligner production systems make the SmileStylers very resistant to the forces exerted by the muscles of the mouth and increase the predictability of treatments.
Negligible Concerns after Treatment:
The concerns in a treatment with SmileStyler are non-existent. Therefore, you need not revisit your dentist once the SmileStyler treatment in Wyndham Vale is over because the aligners adapt perfectly to the teeth and no sores will appear anywhere and you won’t have to go to your dental clinic urgently because a bracket has taken off or a wire has broken.
No Restrictions:
When starting an orthodontic treatment with brackets, patients need to follow a series of precautions when eating so that brackets do not take off or sores do not appear, such as avoiding eating hard things and as such. With SmileStyler, there is no need to follow all these precautions and restrictions as you can eat any food you like.
SmileStyler aligners are virtually unseen, almost all patients who use the aligners say the same thing. Nowadays, it is undoubtedly the most aesthetic and discreet orthodontic treatment that you can look for in Wyndham Vale.